
adam raditz DONNNE

One of my first memories was of making a watercolor painting when I was like three. I would spend car rides and schoolbus rides daydreaming different stories, a habit that only became more intricate over time.

After having commissions to draw graphic novels and comic book covers in high school, I switched to a fine art major in college and took like a 7 year hiatus from illustration… which in retrospect was probably not the best idea.

But now I’m back and hope to finish a bunch of projects I have neglected all this time.

I have gone by many usernames over the years, and would be considered an “oldbie” on both Gaia and DeviantArt. But I don’t have access to those accounts anymore, so now and hopefully into the future, I’ll be going by transt.

The name “transt” sums up my worldview pretty well. My favorite part about the art-making process is getting into the flow of it… plus I spend so much of my time day dreaming that I kind of find myself in a state of trance. I also like trains (transit) and gender studies (trans t).

I’m tentatively open for commissions. My time is kinda sparse, so when I’m drawing I prefer to spend my time working on art projects that I’m really passionate about. If you want me to do a commission for you, contact me on social media like tumblr or something and let me know what you have in mind.