Character Design: Adam Raditz, Paradiso

digital illustration adam raditz with gun

Adam Raditz, another OC from Paradiso. I’m thinking of his ethnicity as being more hispanic-like than african. My original sketch had his skin tone a bit darker, but I imagine it to be kind of like milk chocolate. He is the main character opposite Adam Leeman, who has fair skin and black hair. Adam R’s hair turned white after a traumatic experience– seeing his whole family slaughtered by vampires while he couldn’t do a thing to stop it.

I’m still nailing down the plot for Paradiso, but so far the trajectory for this guy is pretty grim. Adam L tries desperately to keep him sane, becoming doggedly dedicated to Adam R since he really believes that R is good at heart. But it’s hard to defend someone who has little to no concept of right or wrongdoing.

We’ll see how that works out.

The story IS intended as a BL story.

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