
The world of TRANST is kind of a kitchen sink. There are aliens, cyborgs, pychics, and human hybrids. The world spans the milky way galaxy, which is ruled by the Centurian Royal Empire. Most of the transt story occurs after earth was established as a galactic power.



The cast of transt is a tangled web of friendships, families, love affairs, and allegiances.

The group’s main heroes are all either former members of Basilisk or the result of Basilisk experimentation. Their truths and origins are linked together through the common thread of this mysterious organization that most people believe is just a myth, similar to the Illuminati today.

Characters by Organization:

  • Basilisk
    • Primary
      • Mephisto
      • Lucifer
      • Roman (Red) Wheeler
      • Dr. Miranda
      • Dr. James Veinard
      • Seth Shepard
      • Craig Shepard
    • Secondary (all cyborgs from these two generations were given devilish names)
      • Belzebub
      • Loki
      • Devil
      • Diablo
      • Freja
      • Hades
  • Leviathon
    • Eliza (14)
      • Trevor – 14 & James’ accidental love child
  • Hyacinthe
    • Centurian Royal Family
      • Empress Estella Centuri
      • Ariaa Centuri / Ariaa Ginko / Empress Airaa Centuri
        • Ariaa’s son
        • Ariaa’s lover, a Centurian soldier from the royal militia
    • Jekyll Family
      • Dr. Peregrine (Pip) Jekyll / DJ Jakal / “Prince of Atlas” (gang nickname)
      • Nala Rivington – Pip’s wife
      • Ryan Rivington (Pip and Nala’s son)
      • Clara Rivington (Pip and Nala’s daughter, the older sibling)
    • Ginko Family
      • Jigen (Jason) Ginko
      • Yanako Ginko – Jason’s Evil Cousin
      • Chizuru Ginko – Evil Cousin’s best friend, another cousin… she is not evil though.
    • Mephis’ Gang that rules the Atlas underground/black market
      • Mephis “King of Atlas” (gang nickname)
      • Cassandra Rivington – Nala’s sister, soldier
      • Hiro – soldier who doesn’t like Pip
      • Amelie – soldier who often works with Cassandra
    • Wheeler Family
      • Robert (Bobby) Wheeler
      • Emily – Bobby’s long-time girlfriend, mother of his children
      • Gina / Nina – Bobby’s daughter
  • Crash Mansion
    • DJ Jakal / DJ Jackalope / Pip Jekyll / Jak
    • Nala Rivington
    • DJ CrystalCore / Jennifer (Jenny)
    • (other members tba… I made up this portion of the story so many years ago that I struggle to remember names)
  • Atlas Nightclub
    • Deacon Godry (first incarnation) – Owner, Ryan & Jason’s friend
    • Pamela – Owner’s girlfriend / wife, Ryan’s ex-girlfriend
      • Arca – their child, Ariaa’s best friend in the whole world


  • 6th Dimension – exist just outside of our galaxy and are loyal to the Royal Family, fearful of Basilisk.
  • L’Arcian – alien / human hybrid beings created by earthlings after the planet earth was destroyed by them and they tried taking over a new planet. The invasion of L’Arc triggered galactic intervention and Centuri’s invitation to earth to join the royal empire.
  • Centurian – the people of the Centurian Empire, including humans. Usually pure blooded descendants of the royal family will have blue hair or eyes, sometimes both.
  • Ki-Knight – the Centurian Royal Family and their militia were given the ability to access and use psychic powers as a weapon to protect their galaxy against invaders or evildoers from within. Kinetic Psychics can levitate objects or themselves to some degree. The ability isn’t as much mind over matter as it is tuning in with the electro-magnetic energy in the environment around a person’s body, then manipulating your own magnetic field to lift and move molecules around you (including air). Special space ships were built to amplify these powers in outer-space combat.
  • Cyborg – anyone who has cybernetic enhancements in their body. Although some enhancements are acceptable for medical reasons, black market enhancements are strictly illegal. Space pirates and gang lords often have enhancements done, making them fearsome villains.


  • Centuri
    • Planet – The Planet of Centuri is a giant, ancient, peaceful planet. All energy is self-sustaining, harnessing the planet’s power to fuel all machines and food production, allowing them to control weather patterns. It is the home planet of the Centurians, who were the first space travelers in our galaxy and the most advanced civilization. They are entrusted to protect the galaxy from all great evils, and the Royal Family represents our galaxy when any contact from other galaxies or dimensions occurs.
    • City – The City of Centuri is where the Royal House / Palace resides, and where the Royal Family lives. The city is rich and posh, with the cleanest and most prestigious buildings nearest to the Royal House, but the more suburban areas take on a regular city flavor.
    • Royal Palace – The Empress and Royal Family conducts business and resides here along with the Empire’s closest staff and their families. There are quarters for the Royal Guard as well.
  • Atlas – Atlas is an earthling city, and came to power, after earth was assisted by the Royal Empire to restore their planet after pollution nearly destroyed it– “Atlas” is an abbreviation of “Atlantis,” because it was developed after the great earthquake disrupted the world, sinking many countries and lifting the lost city of Atlantis out of the ocean. Most major cities were completely destroyed, so refugees gathered in Atlantis and built a new hub for post-earthquake culture. Later, the Ginko Family put earth on the map for technology and innovation, and Atlas became the biggest city on that side of the galaxy (the “east” side), with only the ancient city of Centuri (“west” side of the galaxy) considered bigger and more prestigious.
    • Crash Mansion – originally an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Atlas. A bunch of homeless punk kids started living there, throwing parties where they would play music and people would bring them food and alcohol and dance around a bon fire. Over time, the group grew, and the kids became more serious about their music making. Their parties became more popular, and they started charging a “donation fee” to enter, and got enough money to renovate the building. They would record all of the music they played every night and then sell the recordings to guests. They entered music improv competitions and won them, gaining interstellar recognition and eventually they were invited to participate in a huge galactic music competition… which they won as well, but only after a lot of drama.
    • Atlas Underground – Mephis’ gang headquarters was located underground, beneath a hotel.
    • James’ Lab – James used his funds from black-market cyborg enhancements in outer space to buy a small, ramshackle, three story walk up apartment building near a dump on the outer outskirts of Atlas. Every floor and room has a different experiment going on, and the conditions are less than ideal, hygiene-wise. He also performs regular medical examinations and surgeries there, with his assistant, Maddox.
  • Space – a lot of scenes occur in outer space while the cast is traveling between planets or solar systems. Traveling between Centuri and Atlas is the most difficult journey, taking 3 months. Travelers who can afford it will take the journey on board a special ship that puts travelers into hyper sleep until they arrive at their destination.
  • Basilisk – the organization itself is spread out across the stars, but its headquarters and training center are a moon-sized space station that moves casually along the outer most limit of the galaxy.
  • Leviathon Training Center – located on a small, foresty planet in a solar system between Earth and Centuri, Leviathon began as a secretive group that rescued or removed psychics from bad situations or non-psychic homes. After smoothing over relations with the Empire of Centuri, it grew into a recruitment center and academy for Centurian Royal guards.

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