
Paradiso is a action/drama story that I’m developing right now. The two main characters, both named Adam (and both happen to be male) form a relationship that becomes sexual at times, but as I developed the story, the sex scenes took a huge back seat to the overall plot. So even though this was originally meant to be a one-shot short BL story, its grown into something that’s a lot more complex.

punk boys digital illustration lick

Read story summary part 1 here.


  • Post Apocalypse earth… earth after World War 3, which was a war largely fought using not nuclear, but genetic and biological weaponry. These tactics effectively shut down communications between countries. Hell, even though 85% of the world stopped fighting the war, there are still some countries that are still waging it, unaware that the fire has fizzled out already.
  • The world is covered by vast desert with protected cities in between.


(See my scientific references for the story here:

  • Vampire is really a misnomer here.They are descendants of the genetically modified super soldiers created to fight in WW3. They age quickly from birth to about 10 years old, then they age very slowly after that.
  • They have super human strength and abilities. They can heal automatically from near death injuries. They can regenerate limbs, and have a higher pain tolerance than average people.
  • The gene therapy had unexpected side effects, including sensitivity to light. They have endocrine issues, as their bodies no longer have the enzymes and hormones to properly absorb nutrients from their digestive systems.. sure they can eat food like normal humans, but they don’t get any nourishment. The solution they found to this was drinking blood. Somehow drinking already processed nutrients allowed their digestive systems to process them.


Adam Leeman and Adam Raditz live together in a magical forest. Raditz claimed the name “Adam” because it was originally his forest, so he calls Adam Leeman by his last name, and Leeman calls Adam R just “Adam.”


vampire illustration

Older Leeman


character design sheet black and white vampire guy

A young Adam Leeman

  • Adam Leeman
    • Vampire
    • 6’1″ but can change his height depending on how much blood is in his system.
    • Thin, lanky, pale skin, jet black hair that gets greasy pretty quickly.
    • Thinks too much, overanalyzes everything.
    • Considers himself a philosopher, has some spiritual beliefs and often introspective.
    • Likes high fashion, expensive things.
    • Likes observing people, is fascinated by Adam R because his worldview is so skewed from years of isolation and murder.
      • Likes trying to figure Adam out. He often wonders if Adam has any moral compass.
    • When he was a member of Paradiso, his vampire clan, he could be very cruel sometimes. He now regrets that.
    • A bit of a masochist. Pain reminds him he is alive.


Adam R sketches

Older Adam

digital illustration adam raditz with gun

Young Adam R

  • Adam Raditz (Mendeleev / Mengele)
    • Human
    • 5’6″
    • Athletic but still pretty skinny build, chocolate skin, white curly hair that gets fluffy depending on the weather
    • Acts on instinct, doesn’t think in words or analyze things too much before taking action.
    • Very curious about everything, pretty good at figuring out how things work even if he has no idea what they are.
      • Genius at using guns, excellent marksman
    • Huge imagination
    • Doesn’t like to talk. When he goes to a city for the first time, he has a panic attack because of all the people around him.
      • Doesn’t like people all that much, but once he becomes comfortable with you, he excepts you to be there all the time.
    • Pretty selfish, but only because he lived alone for so many years. He doesn’t know how to care about people… so he doesn’t.
    • Rejects all social norms unless Leeman can explain to him why they matter in a way that makes sense.
    • Once he gets used to Leeman being in his life, he becomes possessive over him, seeing him as kind of a pet moreso than a friend or lover. But that’s really the only way he relates to people… it’s not a very healthy relationship, but it means that they look out for each other and care for each other. Adam’s love is the definition of selfish love.
      • PLOT SPOILER (even though everything is spoilers): When they are older and living in the City, anti-vampire activists attack Leeman, forcibly turn him into a human and maim him. In response, Adam goes to their headquarters and kills everyone except the top four guys. He takes them back to his house and proceeds to perform gruesome experiments on them, developing a counter-therapy to turn humans into vampires so that he can turn Leeman back, so that Leeman’s injuries will heal and he won’t be crippled for life. But he did all this because he was offended that someone hurt his property, someone who Adam relied on… it was revenge on his own behalf, not necessarily for Leeman.


Jada Rosa (Leeman’s half-sister and a princess of the Paradiso clan)

Juliet Mendeleev (Adam’s conniving and greedy cousin)

Nicoli Monachino (city guard who lets Adam and Leeman pass freely to and from the City as long as he gets a nice bribe)

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