
Basilisk is an evil coalition of scientists who conquer innocent planets in order to conduct massive experiments (innocent is simply a term for a planet that has not yet aware of the galactic government).

They are cut-throat in their battle for knowledge, finding ways to behold power over life itself.

The scientists are scouted from around the galaxy at a young age. Basilisk entices parents by promising them that their children will receive a great education. In some cases, Basilisk simply kidnaps the children.

Usually these kids have extremely high IQ’s, but their value is measured in other qualities as well, such as creativity.

They are put through rigorous and morally questionable schooling, where they are allowed to conduct practically any experiment without fear of ethical standards or repercussions.

One project they are given is to conduct biological experiments on a living being. They are each allowed to create a test-tube creature, using base “perfect human” DNA.

Then they are allowed to conduct any kind of experiment or surgery on that being. It’s a challenge because perfect humans are biologically complex. Often, students will manipulate the genes so that the perfect humans do not feel many emotions, so that students won’t have to deal with some of the more inconvenient psychological issues that their subjects may encounter from a life of captivity and in many cases, torture.

Every year at “graduation,” the top student is chosen to be given immortality, and presumably serve Basilisk forever.

It’s a coveted reward, and students clamour for the chance to live forever doing what they love.

Miranda was given immortality when she graduated, and James was awarded it as well.

Immortality is not bestowed on them immediately– the scientists calculate when the person will be at their peak health in their lives, and they turn them immortal then.

So, for instance, even though MIranda was James’ teacher as he was growing up, they became lovers later on because he had finally caught up to her in age.


The scientists, however, are not the ones who are running the show. They are more like foot soldiers or drones being lead by a more sinister group, whose plans for their technology have yet to be revealed.

Running away from Basilisk is practically unheard of. Basilisk selects and grooms their members well, leaving them no desire to leave. But when it does happen, the runaway will spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder for the coalition’s wrath.

This is why, when the first and second generations of cyborg super soldiers escaped, they all scattered themselves across the star systems in hopes that they would not be discovered.
Over the years, many of them were found and assassinated.

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