Crash Mansion

Crash Mansion was a burned out warehouse turned happening night club in down-downtown Atlas.

It was owned by this old lady who was raising (failing to raise) her young grand daughter. The old lady was senile and a recluse, staying in a shack at the edge of the property, leaving the warehouse free to be inhabited by street punks and hippies.

They would throw parties and play music in the warehouse. These parties started out as fun get togethers, bon fires, open mics, but then the group started getting more focused on the music, and began entering live performance competitions where they would compete against other music groups to create the most elaborate and incredible improvised tunes. They had singers, rappers, guitarists in their ranks, but most of the musicians there took a liking to electronic music. They would forage computers and equipment from junk yards and put it back together to make musical instruments.

Eventually, the old lady died and the parties became so big that the group could charge admission and sell copies of their music. They would record what they performed every night, and sell it at the end. Eventually they made a name for themselves and were invited to more international, then more global competitions, culminating in an invitation to compete on a galactic level with musicians across the world in a live-broadcast musical improve competition.

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