
Valentine’s Day Draw

shooting hearts smoking gun drawing

I wasn’t going to but then I did. Happy Valentine’s Day, even thought it’s almost tomorrow when I’m posting this ;p From tumblr: Adam doesn’t know anything about how society works. All he knows about are guns and plants. I…

Paradiso Part 1 Summary

digital illustration photoshop

(copied from my y-gal. contains violence & guy x guy) This is really more of a story summary, I want to do a more detailed description in the future. Enjoy!

Adam Raditz older WIP

So eventually both Adams leave the forest and live in the city. Adam R’s family members have become extremely wealthy, and want to use him to develop the now viable land out in the desert. So they take him in and…

Character Design: Adam Raditz, Paradiso

digital illustration adam raditz with gun

Adam Raditz, another OC from Paradiso. I’m thinking of his ethnicity as being more hispanic-like than african. My original sketch had his skin tone a bit darker, but I imagine it to be kind of like milk chocolate. He is…

Character Design: Adam Leeman, Paradiso

character design sheet black and white vampire guy

Character sheet… trying to be, anyway. I like experimenting when drawing so much that it’s hard for me to draw my characters so that they look like themselves. People tell me I have a style but I have yet to…