
Animals is a story about a rebellious teenager who escapes from jail to find himself stranded in a magical, forbidden forest at the mercy of the forest’s guardian. He is forced to learn discipline and responsibility to earn his keep and become an immortal member of the fae, or else he faces certain death.

The following story summary contains guy x guy / “yaoi” & some violence, bondage, noncon… but everything has a purpose in the story I swear.

During a transfer from the courthouse to jail, a young delinquent escapes and runs into the forbidden forest on the outskirts of town.

The police chase him to a cliff edge, but in a rush of adrenaline and judging whether he’d rather spend years in jail or take his chances with the forbidden forest, the kid leaps off the cliff’s edge and falls into the canopy of trees below.

The cops assume he is dead and go back to town, because the forest is, afterall, forbidden.

Meanwhile inside the forest, the boy’s broken body is picked up by a man with unruly hair and dressed in furs, feathers, leathers, and rags.

He takes the boy back to his treehouse, where he performs a healing ritual using his own blood as a sort of ointment / transfusion to heal the boy’s wounds.

The boy wakes up naked, with his legs and arms bound and laying on the wooden floorboards. Remembering his escape from the cops, he immediately struggles and curses his renewed confinement.

His mysterious captor brings him food, but the boy refuses to eat. So, the man forces a gag into his mouth and makes him watch as he eats the meal on his own. The boy’s stomach growls.

The man does not offer him food for the next few days, although he takes the gag out occasionally to let him drink water.

He is a quiet man, and when he does speak it’s only in sparse, mumbling words.

Each day, the man brought up a basin for the boy to relieve himself in, which was sensible because the boy didn’t want to have to smell or lay in his own waste… but one day out of spite, he decided to piss and shit on the floor of the treehouse. When the man returned, he wasn’t pleased…

He dragged the boy through the treehouse still bound. At the entrance, the man held him by the ropes, showing him that they were nearly two stories above the ground. The boy screamed as the man leaped, and with superhuman strength, brought the boy to the ground without breaking any of his limbs, although hitting the dirt still scraped and bruised the boy’s skin. The man then pulled him over to the tree trunk and fastened him to it with his face to the bark, spreading his arms and legs wide as he struggled to get free. Weakened from lack of food and no movement for days, the boy was no match for the man’s strong and determined grip.

Once tied, the man sought a sturdy sapling and proceeded to whip the boy’s filthy skin until it bled. The boy screamed and cried for mercy. As the minutes dragged on and the scent of his own blood filled the air, he almost wished that he was back in prison. Even though he was sure there were only animals around to watch, he felt like he was on display and at the mercy of the unseen eyes in the forest.

Finally the boy felt something at the entrance to his ass, and turned in time to see the man pressing his body into his, filling him with pain and the girth of his hard flesh. He felt teeth dig into his shoulder, tasting the blood from his wounds and he screamed.

He had been with men before while in town, making easy money on the streets. But none as merciless as this one. His skin stung all over and with every thrust into the rough tree bark, and he felt like he would die.

His body went limp, his mind went blank, as his captor had his way with him.

When he came to, he was seated in crystal waters against some large smooth stones.

His hands were bound in front of him now, and his ankles were tied together under the water. He felt something wrapped around his neck, like a collar or a leash. Far off in the lake he saw the man, nude and wading in the water.

The boy realized that his skin no longer hurt. In fact, his ass didn’t even hurt despite the brutal treatment. He realized that his hunger was gone, too, as the clear cool waters lapped around him.

The man saw him stirring. The boy immediately tried to escape as he man approached, but he was stuck by the ropes.

With the furs and feathers gone, the man had an almost elegant look about him, like the wealthy aristocrats in town. His eyes were unreadable. He spoke:


The boy blinked. Usually he would lie whenever someone asked a question, but not now.


The man continued watching him closely.

Julian continued with a shudder, “…Uh, what’s your name?”

The man reached down into the water and found the knots that held his ankles, untying them.

“They call me Spider.”

“They?” Julian blurted. Spider looked up at him with that same unknowing gaze, and then looked down into the water. Julian felt his ankles freed.

Spider stepped up onto the shore, brining the loose rope with him. Where Julian was seated, his back had rested against a ledge where the ground met the water. Spider leaned down and lifted him to his feet. He tied the new length of rope to Julian’s collar, and held the end of it as a lead.

“Come,” the man commanded.


More summary coming soon… and perhaps eventually a more detailed edit of this prose.


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