Tag Archive for storytime

The Plant Could Have Grown Chapter 3

Young Angel

  << Previous: Chapter 2 3 Again into Alaska. Plants weren’t made for this kind of weather. The flurries have turned to chunks of ice since I was away, huge flakes that are lowering visibility quite a lot. I’m very…

Paradiso Part 1 Summary

digital illustration photoshop

(copied from my y-gal. contains violence & guy x guy) This is really more of a story summary, I want to do a more detailed description in the future. Enjoy!

The Plant Could Have Grown Chapter 2

Dan the Plant

<< Previous: Chapter 1 2 I know where the guy is from what she’s said in her prayers. This is the good thing about clients being in proximity to payphones, you can track them and their relations pretty easily. I’m…

Flicker character design


  Tried out a more “mucha” style with this one. Character design for a story about three guys who navigate a world in anarchy. This character is the child of some gnarly ninjas who were all assassinated by a rival…